Categoria: Freestyle

Foil Tack

I know it's a bit late but better late than never. Here is my "Compilation 2015" video. What a year! Hope you enjoy.
Longtime friends Jesse Richman (Naish) and Nick Jacobsen (Cabrinha) recently traveled to the biggest kiteboarding event in Argentina: Kitefest at Cuesta Del Viento.…
View all 2016 Wind Voyager Triple-S Wildcard Video Entries:
Second Kitesurfing Episode with Tom Hebert. SUBSCRIBE HERE for daily XTreme videos: Wanna know what´s on the menu today!? Watch the 2nd ...
What makes you itch? What is it you desire? Take a journey with James Boulding and see his motivation to follow a passion and lifestyle. - Cabrinha Kitesurfing

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